
“Abby was incredibly helpful and guided me through the SMI process in a calm and caring manner. The experience was tremendously helpful and equipped me with the skills to deal the issues that I face. I would definitely recommend seeing Abby. “

- SMI Client

I am immensely grateful for all the work Abby did with L, the lady for whom I had power of attorney. Through her sensitive, caring, thoughtful and imaginative approach to Music Therapy Abby was able to provide L with the opportunity to return to playing her piano, despite a stroke, giving the necessary encouragement and advice regarding technique, allowing L to explore things she had never tried before, such as improvising, and creating a safe space in which all the sorrow, loss and restrictions in her new life post-stroke could be acknowledged and released in a supported way. The Music Therapy sessions soon became the highlights of L’s life. I witnessed the transformation on several occasions – shortly before the session L might have been sad, depressed or agitated and cross – by the end, she was serene and joyful. It was heartening for me to be able to arrange something for L that went beyond the practical, was so positive and nourished an important part of L's being. As L’s life drew to a close and she became weak and bed-bound, Abby still provided L with a source of enjoyment and peace by playing her cello to L.

— Friend of L.

Abby made such a significant difference to our daughter when she was having a very troubled and distressing time at school. Knowing she had the outlet of Music Therapy meant so much, when so many professionals failed to connect with her we felt Abby just understood and that our daughter had the ability to express herself with music in a safe and secure therapeutic environment. Abby made a positive impact in a short time and we will always be thankful that she met her.
